Miscellaneous » For Community » Community Resources

Community Resources

Everyone needs assistance at different points in their lives.  Here we have gathered a collection of useful community links for parents, students, staff, and residents of Center Line and Warren.
Our district school social workers have compiled a website full of mental health resources: https://sites.google.com/clps.org/mentalhealthresources-clps/home
Our high school counselors have many resources listed on the right side of their counseling page: https://clhs.clps.org/apps/pages/counseling
Our middle school counselors have created a Counselors' Corner website with lots of great information for students and families: https://wolfemscounseling.weebly.com/ 
Additional resources include our Blessings in a Backpack program that provides weekend food to our economically-challenged students and the Ascension School-Based Health Clinic located in Center Line High School that offers free services to all CLPS students.

Community food assistance links:
Forgotten Harvest - https://www.forgottenharvest.org/   
Gleaners - https://pantrynet.org/mobile-distribution-events/