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Web Accessibility Policy

Report Accessibility Issues: CLPS Web Accessibility Issue Reporting Form

Center Line Public Schools (CLPS) recognizes the importance of ensuring our websites are accessible to those with visual, motor, auditory, and/or cognitive disabilities. Per US Census, approximately 19% of the US population has a disability, and approximately 8.5% have a disability that affects computer or Internet use. We are committed to making our information accessible to visitors with disabilities and are actively working to increase the accessibility and usability of our website and in doing so adhere to many of the available accessibility standards and guidelines. For our website, following standards means ensuring the site allows the following:

  • Individuals with visual impairments to use screen readers to hear the content of our site;
  • Individuals with hearing impairments to read the closed captioning included with our videos; and
  • Individuals with mobility issues to navigate the site even if they are unable to use a mouse.


CLPS has adopted this Web Accessibility Policy to optimize the accessibility and usability of our website. To guide our policy, CLPS has created the following accessibility sections applicable to district policy:

Section A: Website Specific Technical Standard(s)


This website endeavors to conform and comply with both the American with Disability Act (ADA) and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 (WCAG) as specified by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). These guidelines explain how to make web content more accessible and the district works to educate our staff so that the content they may post on their websites will be compliant with ADA guidelines and WCAG specifications. Users who wish to view these specifications can do so at Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0


This version of the CLPS website launched in May 2017 with accessibility in mind. The website uses code compliant with W3C standards for HTML and CSS. The site displays correctly in current browsers, and using standards compliant HTML/CSS code means any future browsers will also display it correctly.



Section B: Web Accessibility Coordination


CLPS enforces web accessibility within the district at the administrative level. The district-level webmasters have the authority to implement and maintain this policy, manage accessibility compliance across the district, and enforce posting of accessible content to all district websites and pages. See Section F below for list of district web accessibility contacts.


Section C: Web Accessibility Procedures for Third Parties


CLPS reviews all online content providers for accessibility compliance before making purchasing decisions. In addition, we ask that all content providers supply an accessibility statement if their content will be embedded, or linked to, from district web pages.


C1. Examples of Third Party Web Accessibility Compliance


CLPS uses the Edlio Content Management System (CMS) for district websites. “Edlio is committed to providing a platform for accessible websites that meet Section 508 guidelines and Level AA conformance to WCAG 2.0." The Edlio CMS features many accessibility lockdown tools to prevent non-accessible content from displaying on district websites. You may read Edlio’s website accessibility statement at Edlio Website Accessibility


For additional compliance information on our online programing tools, please see our collection of Accessibility Statements at 3rd-Party Content Provider Accessibility Statements


Section D: Web Accessibility Training and Resources


To coincide with the launch of the new district website in May 2017, district-level webmasters attended initial training on ADA compliance issues in December 2017. School building-level webmasters attended initial training on ADA compliance issues in May 2017. All instructional staff will receive ADA compliance training each fall. The district reviews guidelines and procedures for posting web content annually.


D1. Website Accessibility Resources for CLPS Staff and Content Creators





Section E: Web Accessibility Settings, Audits, Tools, and Resources


CLPS employs many settings and scanning tools to ensure posted content maintains accessibility compliance.


E1. Website Settings Examples


  • ALT-Text Enforcement: CLPS has turned on the “Make alt text required for all images and videos” settings inside the Edlio CMS settings. This setting attempts to scan images and videos for missing alt text at the time the content is posted and will display a warning in the administrative (backend) section of the website. The setting attempts to keep all images and videos without alt text, including photos on homepage slideshows, hidden from the public website. This also includes media added to pages, posts, and news sections. The system prevents pages, posts, news, events, and spotlight messages from saving until all images and videos on these content types have alt text properly applied. More on these settings can be viewed at Edlio Missing alt text warnings.
  • Attachment Standardization: CLPS has standardized on use of the portable document format (PDF) for attachments to this website. We do not allowed scanned copies of documents. A link to a free PDF reader is provided in the footer of the website.
  • ADA Statements: A link to the CLPS website accessibility page (this page) is provided in the footer of each website.


E2. Audits and Auditing Tools


Some of the tools CLPS deploys for accessibility auditing include, but are not limited to, the following: PowerMapper Tools (SortSort, PowerMapper), Adobe Acrobat Professional Accessibility Checker, W3C Validator, WAVE, Cynthia Says, FAE, HTML-Kit 292, ChromeLens, and PDF Accessibility Scanner 2.0.  
The Web Accessibility Coordination Team performs accessibility audits at regular intervals.


E3. Accessibility Resources


Adobe Reader. Whenever administratively possible, documents posted on the CLPS website are in machine-readable portable document format (PDF). In order to improve viewing these files, please download the latest version of Adobe Reader, which is available free at the Adobe website: get.adobe.com/reader.


Section F: Reporting Accessibility Issues


While CLPS uses a best effort methodology to ensure all content is accessible, we are human. Should you have trouble in accessing anything on the CLPS website or should you find an error or piece of content that does not adhere to the standards we have designated, you may contact the Web Accessibility Coordination Team with any accessibility concerns by mail, telephone, email, or our reporting web form. All of these methods of contact are listed below for your convenience.


F1. Web Accessibility Coordination Team




Web Accessibility Policy Version: 2017.08.01e; Last Reviewed Fall 2021