7 Procurement Policy
The Board authorizes the Superintendent to purchase or supervise the purchase of all materials, equipment, supplies, and services necessary for the operation of the School District. The Board expects the Superintendent to seek maximum value for all expenditures. The Superintendent is authorized to promulgate administrative regulations necessary to implement this policy.
The Superintendent will use competitive bidding when and in the manner required by law. In cases where competitive bidding is not required by law, the Superintendent may use competitive bidding or take advantage of cooperative pricing when, in his or her opinion, these procedures serve the School District´s interest. The Superintendent will develop administrative regulations to ensure that the District receives multiple bids, even for those items which do not require competitive bidding by law.
Federal Procurement Standards The Board seeks to ensure the District complies with all procurement policies and procedures in accordance with the Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) and/or issued pursuant to the Federal Uniform Grant Guidance (UGG), 2 CFR Part 200. The Superintendent will delegate responsibility for the development of procedures that comply with this policy to the Chief Financial Officer.
Automated Clearing House (ACH) Arrangements and Electronic Transaction of Funds The Superintendent may enter into Automated Clearing House (ACH) arrangements approved by the Board. The Superintendent may transact School District business electronically.
Federal Grants and Awards The Superintendent will promulgate legally-compliant administrative regulations concerning expenditures of funds received through federal grants and awards.
Real Property and Structures The Superintendent may identify real property and structures suitable for purchase by the School District and recommend to the Board the procedures to be followed for the purchase or acquisition of such property. Board approval is required for both the process to be followed and the ultimate purchase or acquisition. The Superintendent is authorized to execute any and all closing documents required to close on the purchase or acquisition of such property.